
My full name is Alessandro (alias Alecos) Marinuzzi, and I am
54 years old (
Full Age|
Short Age). Though I am Accountant and Commercial Expert, my passion since 1991 is information technology. I read a lot of information technology magazines both italian and foreign.
In 1996 I bought my first book for learning programming in C. In 2000 in a bookshop I found a book regarding programming in C++ written by Steve Qualline. I bought it with immense joy, also downloading all the GNU software which included the C++ compiler. Fantastic! However all that wasn't enough for me and so I began studying other programming languages. Now, I'm increasing my knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP! I love web programming and cannot get enough. I like reading, writing, swimming, listening to music and watching action movies, adventure, thrillers, science fiction but above all programming!
Happy surfing! At the moment that is all!